Détails du Docteur

  • Dr. Somia


In this section of your profile, list the degrees you earned. Also, add the

  • A Propos
  • Services
  • Health Care
  • Avi

A Propos Dr. Somia:

In this section of your profile, list the degrees you earned. Also, add the institution's name from which you earned the degree if it adds value to your profile. You can also add academic achievements if that could be relevant, and internship details if you have done your internship from any renowned college or hospital.



A primary care doctor can complete yearly checkups, which are important, especially as we get older. They are also familiar with their patients' medical histories and will know what they are at a higher risk for.

Health Care

DRUG THERAPY Licensed pharmacists have graduate training from a college of pharmacy. Your pharmacist prepares and processes drug prescriptions that were written by your primary or specialty care provider. Pharmacists provide information to people about medicines. They also consult with providers about dosages, interactions, and side effects of medicines. Your pharmacist may also follow your progress to check that you are using your medicine safely and effectively. Pharmacists also can evaluate your health and prescribe medicines.

Dr. Somia Avi


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